Manage My Buildings incorporates a dashboard that will give you a general overview of your most important metrics. Here’s a full view:


Lear how the dashboard works


In this article, you’ll learn the functionality of every widget.  


1. Buildings and units, Tenants, and Users.  

1.1 Buildings and Units 

what are buildings and units

This widget will display the total number of Budlings in your portfolio. It will also show the total number of Units categorized by Vacancy and Occupancy. 

From there you can access your respective budlings or units by clicking on the blue numbers 


2.2. Tenants   

what are tenants

Total Tenants count all tenants currently renting. If you’ve encountered a problem with a tenant, you can flag them, and they will be filtered as Problem Tenants 

Note: Problem tenants are included in total tenants.  

What is a problem tenant? 

These are some examples: 

  • The tenant always pays the rent late. 
  • You have received complaints about that person.  
  • There has been issues with that person in the past. 


 1.3. Users  

what are users

When you open a Manage My building account you can also add other users roles as needed:  

  • Landlord: Is the super user, total control on the platform. 
  • Owner: Is granted full control over the properties assigned to it  
  • Building Administrator: Is granted full control over the properties assigned to it 
  • Janitor:  Has limited access – Access to tickets and rent roll.   
  • Supplier: Has limited access – Access to tickets. 

Click on each user to see full contact information. 


2.Overdue Rents and Issues  

2.1 Overdue Rents 

what are overdue rents

Overdue rents are divided into 3 columns of 0 to 30 days, 31 to 60 days, and 61 or more days. Clicking on the columns will display a list of the corresponding tenants and rents 


2.2. Issues 

what are issues manage my buildings

Issues can be created by any user, even tenants can report an issue. The users can tag them as NewResolvedIn Progress or Urgent 

There is a scroll bar below that highlights all Urgent Issues for the entire portfolio of properties.  Click the arrows to check all your urgent issues.  


1. Leases  

In this tab you´ll see the total of leases, the number of leases ending this month and the number of leases not being renewedYou can click on each category to display their respective list. You can also use the search bar to filter by building.  

filter leases in Manage My Buildings



Next there’s a detailed list of all leasesbroken down by: BuildingUnit, TenantLease Start DateLease-End Date, and Renewing, this last one shows if the lease is being renewed or not.  

By clicking the button renewed renew button the system will automatically create and renewed the lease for the next period 


what are leases manage my buildings


Use the edit button edit button  if you need to modify information about the Lease.  


4. Notifications

To the right side of your dashboard there’s a notifications bar which shows:  

Leases Ending – To remove click on the x. After removing it won’t show up again.  

notification leases ending


Leases That Have Ended – To remove click on the x. After removing it won’t show up again. 

notification leases that have ended


Latest Activities – This can’t be removed but can be filtered by building. 

notification latest activities